How To Grow Rosemary From Cuttings

It’s easy to grow rosemary from cuttings with the simple steps outlined in this video.
What You Need To Grow Your Own Cuttings
To get started, all you need is a mother plant, or a plant from which to take cuttings, plenty of moisture, and a place that’s warm but out of the sun for plants to take root.
The method I’m using here is for softwood cuttings. The process for hardwood and leaf cuttings can be different depending on what you’re propagating but, generally, propagating plants from cuttings is fairly simple.
I used to say it’s best to take cuttings in spring once new growth has developed. However, it’s honestly okay to take cuttings during other times during the growing season. Just avoid propagating plants that are actively flowering. So spring or fall could both work or another time of year depending on the plant and your climate.
First, you want to be sure you’re cutting plants just below a branching point. This is typically right below where a leaf or side stem is sprouting (below the petiole or leaf stem), but it can also be at the base of a new stem. This is where the plant has special tissue made up of meristematic cells that are designed to grow and create new plant parts such as roots and leaves. When pruning above these points, it encourages leaf and stem growth, and when pruning below these points, plants have an amazing ability to grow new roots (thanks to meristematic tissue, see Grow Plants for Free: How to Propagate Rosemary From Cuttings for more details).
Grow Your Own Rosemary From Cuttings
- Make a clean cut using a sharp knife or clippers about 4 to 6 inches down from the tip of a soft, new branch. With rosemary, this can be at any point because the leaves grow so close to one another, but with other herbs and plants be sure to make your cut just below a branching point or leaf petiole.
- Remove the lower leaves. You can clip or pinch them off or, with rosemary, they easily come free by running your fingers down the branch.
- It’s possible to root rosemary cuttings in water, just make sure to change the water daily so bacteria doesn’t have a chance to build up. Put a drop or two of liquid seaweed into the water to give your cuttings a boost, and/or dip freshly pruned cuttings in liquid seaweed before submerging. However, I find I have better success and stronger root growth when rooting cuttings in a 50/50 mix of vermiculite and perlite.
- When growing cuttings in vermiculite and perlite, make a pocket for the leafless end of the cutting and then tuck the mixture in around the bare stem. Press in and around the surface to make sure the stem has good contact with the mixture, and water well.
- If your house or area where you’re growing your cuttings is drafty and cool, place a make-shift greenhouse over cuttings to trap in warmth and moisture. Just make sure to check on cuttings in case too much moisture builds up, which can cause cuttings to become moldy. Remove the “greenhouse” allowing the plants to ventilate as needed.
- Make sure the growing medium stays evenly moist — which is easy when using vermiculite and perlite — during the entire rooting process.
- Check your cuttings in about 3 to 4 weeks to see if roots are taking shape. Dig down with your finger and take a look or give your cuttings a gentle tug test. (The tug test is often not recommended by many for fear you could damage new, emerging roots but I’ve never had this problem. Just don’t yank on your plants and they’ll be fine.) If you feel resistance, there’s a good chance roots have formed and cuttings are ready for transplanting.
Once your rosemary cuttings have rooted, pot them up into larger containers with potting soil, or place them out in the garden. It won’t take long before you’re harvesting from garden-to-table!
Use this same method to propagate some of your other favorite herbs or perennials. You can also use this same method to propagate plants such as basil in the fall to grow again in spring.
Other articles you may enjoy:
How to Grow Plants For Free: How to Propagate Soft Wood Cuttings
Composting 101: How to Make & Use a Simple Worm Bin
*This article was originally published in April of 2017
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I’ve tried starting rosemary from cuttings in a glass of water a couple of times now and they never seem to root! I’ve done it exactly how you did and nothing. I just assumed that maybe rosemary wasn’t good to start that way or maybe I needed to use a rooting hormone. Any troubleshooting tips?
Hi Monica, thanks for writing! I agree, I don’t always have luck starting soft wood cuttings in water. I sure way to propagate them is in a soil-less mix like perlite and vermiculite, or you can use coconut coir. Keep the medium most and place your cuttings out of direct sun but where it’s warm. They should root and be ready to transplant in about 6 weeks. Best of luck! Emily
This sounds so interesting! How can I multiply my Currant bush? Thanks for your time.
Hi Gisela, thanks for writing! You can propagate your currant by taking a hard wood cutting and popping it in the ground or a container with healthy soil and plenty of water, burying it about 2/3 deep. It won’t take long for it to form roots and a new plant. To take a hard wood cutting, cut about 1 foot back from the tip of a branch toward it’s base. Clip off the soft tip and you’re all set. However, it’s important to take your cutting when plants are dormant in winter. I’ve even found prunings I’ve used to make climbing structures take root, like a living fence. It’s a wonderful plant and generally takes well to propagating. Good luck! Emily