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Episode 8: Lilly Padilla, Chinese Nutritional Therapist & Cook

Episode 8: Lilly Padilla, Chinese Nutritional Therapist & Cook

Lilly Padilla and her dog Paco/Photo by Emily Murphy

In this episode, we journey to Los Angeles to visit Lilly Padilla, Chinese Nutritional Therapist, and cook. We spend most of our visit in Lilly’s kitchen where we make some of her specialty recipes.

Lilly’s Story

Lilly Padilla has so much to teach us in the conversation we recorded for episode 8 of the podcast. The twists and turns of her life after her diagnosis with cancer are a lens into what is now her life’s work.

In the process of healing herself, Lilly studied Chinese Nutritional Therapy and Ayurveda. She discovered that food and time in nature are the best medicine. In fact, in her own words, it was food, nature, and her curiosity for learning that gave her new life. And she’s now a cancer survivor of over 17 years!

Her other savior and love of her life is her dog Paco (seen in the above and below photos). 

Lilly is now a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Chef specializing in Chinese Nutritional Therapy and Ayurveda. She’s also the author of the book, Anti-Cancer Habits & Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition.

It was such a treat to meet Lilly in person and cook with her. She is everything she sounds like in my interview with her and more. She is truly fueled by her curiosity for learning, love of life, and her sincere passion for helping and serving others.

“We are nature.”

Also, listen carefully when Lilly shares her understanding of food and the intrinsic connection between the health of our food and the health of our ecosystem. Her work with Chinese nutritional therapy provides an insightful lens on the interconnection between healing ourselves and our planet and it begins with soil!

Find Lilly’s recipe for her cauliflower ceviche below.

6 of Lilly’s Tips for Better Health

1. Nearly 2/3 of the adult human body is water. Lilly reminds us of how important it is to eat foods containing water. Specifically, fruits and vegetables. This also includes legumes such as beans and lentils.
2. Consider adding fermented foods to your daily diet to aid with digestion. The better your digestion the easier it is for your body to assimilate nutrients.
3. Choose foods filled with life such as spouts, sprouted legumes, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to steam veggies and other foods as often as possible when cooking to help foods retain their nutrition.
4. Keep your stomach “warm.” She says to balance warm and cool foods. For instance, pair soup with salad.
5. Add lemon peel to your daily tea because it’s highly anti-cancer.
6. Remember that we are nature and our bodies are microbiomes of the greater biome – our Earth. Fill yourself with nature. 

Photos From My Day with Lilly

Sprouts, sprouts, and more sprouts! All for Lilly’s everyday cooking. Photos by Emily Murphy

More sprouts!

Oregano and basil

Pea shoots

Lilly’s cauliflower ceviche – so good!

Lilly’s Cauliflower Ceviche

What you Need
  • 1/2 head organic white cauliflower, chopped into small florets
  • 2 large organic red tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 bunch organic cilantro, chopped
  • 2 organic Persian cucumbers, chopped
  • 3 tbs. hemp seeds (10 gr protein)
  • 1 tbs. olive oil
  • 2-3 tbs. red onion, chopped tiny
  • Pinch cayenne pepper (optional)
  • 1 large lemon juice include 1/2 tsp. grated lemon zest
  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • Salt to taste
What You Do
  1. Wash and chopped all ingredients.
  2. Cook-steam cauliflower florets for 4 to 5 minutes until soft, do not overcook, just semi-soft.
  3. In a ceramic or glass bowl place lemon juice, cilantro, onions, salt, and cayenne pepper to taste, mix in other ingredients.
  4. Add avocado pieces, hemp seeds, and olive oil, mix well with other ingredients. Serve alone or as a  side dish. Chew well to absorb the nutrients! Enjoy the health benefits of a simple nutritious recipe.

Learn More About Lilly Padilla

You can learn more about Lilly by visiting her website here. You can also find her on Instagram @lillyholisticnutrition here. Look find her book on Amazon: Anti-Cancer Habits & Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition

Lilly also offers nutrition coaching and cooking. Learn more about her services here.

Lilly Padilla and Paco/Photo by Bill Aron from May 3, 2008 and Bill’s book New Beginnings: The Triumph’s of 120 Cancer Survivors

Thank You Gilmour Garden & Watering

This episode was made possible thanks to the support of Gilmour Garden & Watering. Many thanks to Gilmour and their team and for helping make every day a better day.

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About the Author: Emily Murphy

I’ve learned there’s something wonderfully powerful in the simple act of growing. Here, in our gardens, we can repair ourselves and our plots of earth with our own two hands. GROW WHAT YOU LOVE and GROW NOW!


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