Upcycle — Gardening on a Budget

By Published On: February 9, 2014
Upcycle — Gardening on a Budget

thrift-store-findWhat is it about coming across something perfectly wonderful when you’re least expecting it — at the thrift store, a garage sale or sitting on the curb next to a sign reading, “free stuff”? Doesn’t it sort of feel like pulling a $20 out of your pocket you didn’t know you had? Like an accidental treasure? The right find spells opportunity for organization, style and utility on a budget.

I went into my local thrift store looking for wooden boxes, baskets and other would-be planting containers and came out with these. A fab, vintage egg basket, a perfectly sturdy trowel and old pie tins I’ll reuse as slug and snail traps.

I couldn’t believe it when I saw it — the egg basket tucked away on a bottom shelf with other, random objects. Like a misfit the shop keepers weren’t sure how to place. I did a double take, it was as if it was small pile of gold. How did it go unnoticed? It’s charming flower-like pattern and it’s smart function, someone was thinking when it was put together. It collapses for easy storage and the top enclosure nests in or splays out. $2.50 well spent.

thriftstorefind2Repurposing used things and giving life to old things otherwise forgotten is a bit like adding a new ending to a story, but now it’s your story. I love this, making lifestyle timeless — especially important if you’re living and gardening in a small space where every inch counts but, in my mind, it all counts. Life is so dang short, why not surround yourself with things that inspire you to love every bit of it? From planting and egg gathering to harvesting and cooking?

The benefits of recycling or upcycling is a win win all around. It’s good for the planet, reduces out-of-pocket expenses and has a flair of fashion forward utility.

thriftstorefind3Upcycling to do:

  • think out of the box
  • be patient
  • less is more
  • grow something
  • pass the pistil
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About the Author: Emily Murphy

I’ve learned there’s something wonderfully powerful in the simple act of growing. Here, in our gardens, we can repair ourselves and our plots of earth with our own two hands. GROW WHAT YOU LOVE and GROW NOW!


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