Categories: DIY Projects

Feed the Birds with a Holiday Wreath

By Published On: November 29, 2018
Feed the Birds with a Holiday Wreath

Is there a bird lover in your house? Add a small twist to the holidays and make a festive wreath to feed the birds. 

When I was a little girl, my favorite activities overwhelmingly involved being outside and finding innovative ways to make things from objects found in nature. Crafts such as mobiles, leaf prints, seed necklaces, and boats of leaves and twigs for fairies were all tops on the list. Lucky for me, Sinead hasn’t fallen too far from the tree and enjoys much of the same things. ;)

This wreath projects combines nature crafts and time outside with the added benefit of giving back to nature — in this case, providing forage for birds. 

Make Your Own Wreath For Birds

The fun starts from the beginning with a walk outdoors. Search for pliable twigs, berries, and pinecones. Next, gather up twist ties or thin, flexible wire like floral wire, and peanut butter.

Did you grow sunflowers over the summer? If the squirrels were generous enough to spare some seeds for you, this is a good time to use them.

What You Need

  • Long, thin twigs that are also flexible.
  • Pine cones
  • Leaves such as holly leaves or fir fronds
  • Dried fruits, unsalted nuts, and seeds
  • Bread crumbs and/or birdseed
  • Garden wire or twist ties
  • Peanut butter or other soft lard
  • Mixing bowl
  • Ribbon *optional

What You Do

  1. Make a wreath by weaving the twigs together. See How to Make a Grapevine Wreath for details.
  2. Wire pine cones to your wreath — the more the better.
  3. Mix the peanut butter, breadcrumbs, and seeds together in a bowl.
  4. Spread the peanut butter mixture over the pinecones.
  5. Decorate the pinecones with extra nuts and dried fruit.
  6. Fill empty spaces with greenery and berries
  7. Add ribbon and other decorations and place your wreath where you both you and birds can enjoy.

Sinead and I thought it would be fun to leave some extra seeds for birds on tree limbs and at the base of trees to encourage them to visit. Then we discovered bunny prints and decided making a forest animal nest was the next best project.

It was a wonderful afternoon.

Other articles you might enjoy:

How to Make a Grape Vine Wreath

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About the Author: Emily Murphy

I’ve learned there’s something wonderfully powerful in the simple act of growing. Here, in our gardens, we can repair ourselves and our plots of earth with our own two hands. GROW WHAT YOU LOVE and GROW NOW!

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