Categories: Images

Good Times With Friends

By Published On: January 30, 2019
Good Times With Friends

Photo by Emily Murphy

What could be better than good times with friends? Except possibly capturing these moments on camera to enjoy another day?

These images were taken in late spring of 2018 using a 35mm prime lens, and no, it’s not a wedding, but one hell of a birthday celebration.

Photo by Emily Murphy

I was lucky the light was fairly even and became more so as the sun lowered toward the horizon. This allowed me to decrease contrast, providing a wonderful opportunity for portrait photography.

It also helped that everyone was having a blast. (My cheeks hurt by the end of the evening, I don’t think I’ve laughed quite so much in a long time.)

Photo by Emily Murphy

Photo by Emily Murphy

The darkness inside the barn brightened with string lights was the perfect backdrop for many of the photos I took that evening. Though there was also this fabulous wall with white clapboarding (below). It gives the portraits a wonderful, formal appearance with a fun, outdoor lifestyle flair.

Photo by Emily Murphy

Photo by Emily Murphy

Photo by Emily Murphy

Photo by Emily Murphy

Photo by Emily Murphy

This was a much-appreciated deviation from the subjects I most often photograph. It reminded me there’s an incredible amount of story to be told in a portrait and the techniques used with people aren’t so different from plants or nature. In fact, it would be wonderful to continue to find opportunities to pair people and places, whether it’s in the garden, the city, out on the trail, or the kitchen preparing something wonderful to eat.


Photo by Emily Murphy

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About the Author: Emily Murphy

I’ve learned there’s something wonderfully powerful in the simple act of growing. Here, in our gardens, we can repair ourselves and our plots of earth with our own two hands. GROW WHAT YOU LOVE and GROW NOW!

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