Categories: Petal Pushers

Handy Helen — Garden Maker

By Published On: April 29, 2014
Handy Helen — Garden Maker

Handy Helen


Helen is a garden maker on the move. Her own garden just the beginning.

Her self proclaimed motto is “I tinker therefore I am”. It might not sound like much at first but a little time spent with her and you’ll quickly understand it’s so much more. It says willing, problem solver, doer, creativity-at-work.

When Helen moved into her now home her first priority was to put in a big garden. The trouble was the prime location was occupied by “14 nasty evergreen shrubs” that seemed to need a backhoe to move. But there had to be a simple solution. So she took her mom’s advice, remembering that wet soil tends to be loose soil, and she turned the hose on them. In the meantime she borrowed a neighbors truck, attached a rope one to other and yanked them out one by one. She now has a thriving 24 x 30 foot plot packed with fruits and veggies perfect for picking.

But she didn’t stop there. Helen is helping others create gardens — friends, family and local schools. Her most recent projects are a spacious, pre-school learning garden and a solar powered greenhouse that would help supply fresh, organic vegetables and fish to her community.

Learn more about Helen here.

Garden Making with Handy Helen
May Garden Checklist


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About the Author: Emily Murphy

I’ve learned there’s something wonderfully powerful in the simple act of growing. Here, in our gardens, we can repair ourselves and our plots of earth with our own two hands. GROW WHAT YOU LOVE and GROW NOW!

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