Categories: Petal Pushers

Brijette Romstedt & The San Diego Seed Company

Brijette Romstedt & The San Diego Seed Company

San Diego Seed Company


It was just 4 years ago when Brijette Romstedt realized she was part of something big, what she describes as “an innocent moment that grew”. She began sharing seeds she’d been gathering and saving from her home garden. In doing so, she realized she wasn’t the only one to find them extraordinary. The simple act of passing along seeds created a “sparkling moment”, a snapshot in time when something as small as a seed sparked possibility and a sense of adventure.

This was also the time she found herself at the bottom of the economic downturn, unemployed and therefore doing the one thing she knew she could do — garden. If she couldn’t work outside the home then why not work at home, growing food and flowers? It was what her own family did growing up, supplementing groceries with homegrown produce. It made as mush sense as saving seeds from one harvest to the next.


San Diego Seed Company | Just the Beginning


And there they were. Seeds upon seeds neatly organized in tea cups in her kitchen. They would be the beginning of her next harvest and, thanks to her husband’s coaxing, her next adventure — for from Brijette’s tea cup seeds grew the San Diego Seed Company. She traded tea cups for canning jars and quickly learned how to run a business, receiving a warm welcome from her community.

The San Diego Seed Company specializes in heirloom seeds adapted to San Diego’s unique climate and growing conditions. Seeds of all kinds, from vegetables to companion plants, perfect for the kitchen garden. And for Brijette it all comes back to her first experiences of sharing seeds, her appetite to garden for food and seeds alike and those sparkling moments when she realized “people like having seeds in their hands” — they’re an adventure waiting to happen.


San Diego Seed Company


Learn more about the San Diego Seed Company here.

Small Space Gardening | How to Make a Mint Tin Garden
Emily Murphy -- Celebrating Gardens and Garden Makers


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About the Author: Emily Murphy

I’ve learned there’s something wonderfully powerful in the simple act of growing. Here, in our gardens, we can repair ourselves and our plots of earth with our own two hands. GROW WHAT YOU LOVE and GROW NOW!

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  1. Francesca July 13, 2017 at 5:34 pm - Reply

    Hi Brijette,

    I saw your awesome video. I’ve gardened a bit here in SD don’t know where I’m moving to so not sure if I’m to keep it up
    Anyway. I collected seeds from Italy which are really powerful growers. A packet is more apt to pop every seed and they are very hardy. Since I can’t use most of them I was wondering if you would like some. ?
    I have various vegetables. I don’t want them to get too old.

    Let me know if you are interested

    • Emily Murphy July 14, 2017 at 5:41 pm - Reply

      Thank you, Francesca! That’s very sweet of you. I found your site – your work is very interesting? Do you incorporate gardens and gardening too? I’d be happy to chat with you about seeds, etc. and if I can’t take them I bet we can find someone close by that can. ;)

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