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How to Transplant Seedlings

By Published On: March 6, 2014
How to Transplant Seedlings

Whether you’ve grown your starts from seed or picked them up at your local nursery they’ll eventually need to be potted up or transplanted out to the garden. Here are a few tips to get your garden growing:

  • Water seedlings to be transplanted and prep soil of new home.
  • Tease out seedlings to limit damage to roots.
  • Gently tuck seedlings into new soil making sure roots are well covered.
  • Lightly tamp soil down to ensure roots are making good contact with the soil and your sprout is anchored.
  • Water, place in appropriate sun and watch it grow!

See Tips for Growing and Transplanting Seedlings more tricks and ideas.

How to Grow Greens From Seed
Making Paper Pots For Starting Seeds


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About the Author: Emily Murphy

I’ve learned there’s something wonderfully powerful in the simple act of growing. Here, in our gardens, we can repair ourselves and our plots of earth with our own two hands. GROW WHAT YOU LOVE and GROW NOW!

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1 Comment

  1. […] For tips on how to grow your garden from seed watch How to Grow Greens from Seed and for transplanting tricks watch How to Transplant Seedlings. […]

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