A Year for Love & Book Making

By Published On: January 23, 2017
A Year for Love & Book Making


It’s been 7 years since I began writing and capturing images for Pass The Pistil. When I started, I wasn’t sure where it would lead, I just knew I had to start. Through the process of writing the blog, teaching countless classes, and meeting even more amazing people I kept asking myself, where do I want to take this? What am I really trying to say?

This is when Grow What You Love was born. Of course! When people come to me with questions of how to start a garden, the initial answer is always: start small and grow what you love. I quickly realized this message is about more than growing a garden, it’s a lifestyle — a way to add a little more love and happiness to our daily lives. Which has also led me to my first book…

Look For My Book In Spring Of 2018!

It’s true! 2017 is a book making year for me. With the help of Firefly Books, I’m going to print with a foodie centric, image rich book that is as inspiring as it is informative. I’ve immersed myself in all things green, edible, and flowering. Writing and photographing the simple things that have huge impact on how we live, eat, cook, and share time with one another. In the middle is a whole bunch of nature, and of course a whole bunch of love.

I’m already hoping you’ll love it as much as me — now to do the work! ;)

Backing Up: 2017

On another note, huge thanks to all of you out there marching this past weekend. The beginning of 2017 and the unification of millions of people around the globe focused on the message of love is again bringing new understanding and depth to our lives and, for me, my work. I’m convinced more than ever that we’re better together. That when we each find it in ourselves to work from a place of love, respect, equality, and kindness naturally come along for the ride.

When we plant the things we love, harvest often, and share with friends and family, good things will come.

Sending hugs and love. xo


Worm Composting 101: How to Make & Use a Simple Worm Bin
Transplanting Seedlings vs. Direct Sowing Seeds


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About the Author: Emily Murphy

I’ve learned there’s something wonderfully powerful in the simple act of growing. Here, in our gardens, we can repair ourselves and our plots of earth with our own two hands. GROW WHAT YOU LOVE and GROW NOW!


  1. Tanya @ Lovely Greens January 26, 2017 at 4:43 am - Reply

    Very excited for you Emily!

    • Emily Murphy January 26, 2017 at 11:33 am - Reply

      Thanks, Tanya! Looking forward to sharing the finished product with you. xo

  2. Sadie @allnaturalme January 23, 2017 at 6:43 pm - Reply

    Very excited for this book!!

    • Emily Murphy January 24, 2017 at 9:00 am - Reply

      Thanks, Sadie! Hugs to you. Now fingers crossed I can produce the final product I’ve envisioned. ;)

  3. Beth Billstrom January 23, 2017 at 3:05 pm - Reply

    Congrats, Emily! :-)

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